Waking up before the sun’s out can be difficult. Whether you’re heading to that early morning shift, going to the gym, or used to that alarm screeching early. These are some tips to help guide you through starting your day in an energized and positive way!

Drink a glass of water right when you wake up!

Yes, this may sound basic, we know. But drinking water as soon as you wake up is very beneficial. After sleeping for a long (or short, we know 8 hours can be challenging) period of time, your body needs to be rehydrated! Studies show it increases your energy levels and boosts your mental performance. So, before you go reaching for that cup of coffee, grab a full glass of water to start your rehydration process promptly.

Try establishing a technology-free morning.

This tip may sound like a tough one but hear us out. Your mindset instantly becomes thrown off when you roll over to look at that phone screen. Whether it’s seeing a work email, reading a sad news headline, or realizing you never got that ‘good night’ text, this can put a rapid transition from being asleep to being fully alert without having time to awaken naturally.

Studies show that instantly checking your phone turns your mind automatically to ‘distraction’ mode. Once in this mode you’ll tend to go reaching for that phone to distract yourself because that’s how you initially started your day off. Instead, try some more beneficial methods such as some journaling, morning meditation, or even reading a few pages. There are many options, but methods like these are proven to improve your mental state significantly!

Prepare the night before to remove any early morning decision-making.

Experts say that the most successful people prepare their day the evening/night prior. This saves them the struggle of deciding numerous things in the morning. Eliminating a lot of decision making will leave you more time to get other items checked off in your morning, as well as allow your head to free up space to prepare for your day! So, get that coffeemaker set, pick out your outfit for the day, get your lunch packed, have your gym or work bag together & do whatever else you need to do the night before to allow for a smooth and easy morning!


Yes, make your bed! It may seem like the most irritating task to get through in your morning, but it’s a small step that makes a big difference. Making your bed right when you get up ensures you won’t crawl back into that coziness you just woke up in. It is also fantastic to come back home after a long day and see a freshly made bed. Even if no one else may see how nicely your bed looks after making it, simply having this task complete can encourage your mind to continue an organized and accomplished routine for the remainder of your day.

Want to learn about more reasons why making your bed is important? Read the inspiring book Make Your Bed written by Admiral William H. McRaven.

Listen to a self-development or motivational podcast on your way to your destination.

However, you get to the first destination of your day, play a podcast on your way there! Whether it’s over your car or through headphones, find a podcast that encourages and motivates you. There are thousands of podcasts out there that’ll help release positive thoughts and motivate you! You’ll be arriving at your destination ready to accomplish your goals and continue to pursue your dreams. These are especially helpful when you feel like you’re on the verge of a burn out. Listening to podcasts can shift your mindset and get you thinking from a new perspective. Find some of the top motivational podcasts here!


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