Home city, job title, and favorite past time:
Traci is an MRI/CT/X-Ray Technologist from Akron, Ohio. She currently resides in Big Sky, Montana where she loves hiking, rock climbing, snowboarding and spending time with her kids & grandchildren.
Traci graduated with her degree in 1996!
Favorite quote:
“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one!” -Elbert Hubbard
Dream travel destination:
“I love everywhere west of the Rockies. Hawaii and Alaska would be firsts for me!”
Best things about her assignment with Titan Medical:
“The staff at Titan are so friendly and responsive! At my assignment, my coworkers are glad to have me here, and have been great to work with.”
Proudest Accomplishment:
“Completing my degree while my kids were small. Also, earning advanced registrations in CT and MRI.”
Best piece of advice:
“Be kinder than you need to be.”